Week 10B: Blog categories
To be quite honest I've never really took to blogging and always thought of blogging as sort of a digital diary/journal that's open for others to see. I especially have never seen how it could benefit myself and my business as a photographer. But in recent times, especially with the emergence of vlogging, I'm starting to see how it may be of benefit. Although I don't necessarily see myself starting a blog, I do have some ideas stirring around in my mind of how it would be structured. One possibility would be to organize my blog into the different types of photography that I currently involve myself with (Portraits, Surf, lifestyle, etc.). This would allow prospect clients to see the diversity of my work and allow them to make a well informed decision on whether I am the right fit for their photographic needs. The other direction I would go in would be simply to make it a travel blog and organize it by each place I visit and what I shot there. It would probably be more of a personal blog but, It would still maintain a certain professionalism. Potential clients I would imagine could appreciate the authenticity of my work combined with my travels and possibly lead to more travels on the dime of a business.
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