Week 13B: Facebook Ads
To start of I must say that I was really surprised with how many options a person has when it comes to advertising on Facebook. Anything you could possibly want for your business Facebook can provide. Although I feel people don't use Facebook as much as they used to, It still can be used as an effective tool to distribute content/advertise especially since it is parent to Instagram. Some of the ad options you have on Facebook Include Domain ads, multi-product ads, offer ads, video ads, lead ads, canvas ads, post boosting, sponsored mentions, and dynamic ads. Some are more self explanatory than others, but all serve their purpose. For instance, dynamic product ads provide a way to show single/multi- product ads to people who have visited your website. Depending on customers activity on your site, you can customize ads for them based on their interests. The ads I found most interesting however were the canvas ads. A canvas ad is basically an interactive ad that helps businesses advertise their products by giving them a fully customizable digital space to build multimedia stories. In essence, you can basically do anything depending on the needs of the advertiser.
For my personal business, I don't think I have to many choices for ads, at least that I would like. Since I don't have any physical products to sell, that automatically limits me to only a couple options. And of those options the only one I could possibly see myself using is post boosting, which just pushes your post out for more people to see. Even then it would be hard for me to justify spending money to advertise on Facebook or Instagram. One thing I have noticed a lot from observing professionals in my field (photography) is that most of them don't advertise. They get their 'advertisement' from businesses they have worked with posting their photos to their social media or using them in other manners. It's basically free advertising and lends credibility to the artist for other prospect businesses to see. One important thing to keep in mind however is that most of these professional photographers treat their social media accounts as mini portfolios, or as hooks if you will, to snag the attention of prospect clients and lead them to their actual portfolio which is 99% of the time linked int they're bio. Also, most of them would probably admit that keeping with they're posting on social media is a balancing act. Too much at a time and you risk annoying your audience and losing part of your following, and too little you risk losing they're attention and the same result follows. It's all about consistency and not being overbearing. Of course quality of content plays a huge roll in this as well but, consistency is king, and consistency can lead to improvement of quality. Just like with anything in life, the more you practice, the better you get, and the more you fail, the more you'll learn.
For my personal business, I don't think I have to many choices for ads, at least that I would like. Since I don't have any physical products to sell, that automatically limits me to only a couple options. And of those options the only one I could possibly see myself using is post boosting, which just pushes your post out for more people to see. Even then it would be hard for me to justify spending money to advertise on Facebook or Instagram. One thing I have noticed a lot from observing professionals in my field (photography) is that most of them don't advertise. They get their 'advertisement' from businesses they have worked with posting their photos to their social media or using them in other manners. It's basically free advertising and lends credibility to the artist for other prospect businesses to see. One important thing to keep in mind however is that most of these professional photographers treat their social media accounts as mini portfolios, or as hooks if you will, to snag the attention of prospect clients and lead them to their actual portfolio which is 99% of the time linked int they're bio. Also, most of them would probably admit that keeping with they're posting on social media is a balancing act. Too much at a time and you risk annoying your audience and losing part of your following, and too little you risk losing they're attention and the same result follows. It's all about consistency and not being overbearing. Of course quality of content plays a huge roll in this as well but, consistency is king, and consistency can lead to improvement of quality. Just like with anything in life, the more you practice, the better you get, and the more you fail, the more you'll learn.
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